Get Solution Powerpoint Template
Solution Powerpoint Template is a modern and multipurpose Powerpoint presentation special for a Creative Agency, Company Profile, Corporate and Business, Portfolio, Photography, Pitch Deck, Startup, and also can be used for Personal Portfolio. Easy to change colors, text, photos. Ready to impress your audiences and these professional powerpoint templates will engage everyone.
Video Preview : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWBM0BP6CnI
Features :
- 16:9 HD screen
- .PPT/.PPTX format
- 10 color schemes
- 100 unique slides
- 2000 slides total
- Bonus 300+ Unique icon set
- Various infographic
- Fully animated
- Easy customize
- Free font used
You can easily customize the slide layouts to create various types of presentations. If you Like this Template, don´t forget to Rate. Thanks!
All images on the demo is just for preview purpose only and not actually included on the file
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